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Take a stand with Pet Express against puppy mills

The adorable puppies you can find online for sale can be unethically bred from mama and papa dogs who unfortunately don't get to play outside or even enjoy some quality snuggle time with their owners. They can be bred in unsanitary conditions without proper veterinary care or even socialization. In order to increase profit, many of the mama dogs are bred many times a year without any recovery time between their litters. Take a stance by choosing to work with Pet Express to eliminate puppy mills!


We have ZERO TOLERANCE for puppy mills or puppies from backyard breeders! Puppies from mills and backyard breeders can be raised without love, socialization, exercise, comfort or even proper veterinarian care and we will NOT support that!

Our No Puppy Mill Pledge

Pet Express pledges to NOT support unethical breeders, substandard breeding practices or puppy mills. Pet Express pledges to ensure every single puppy is raised with the utmost attention, love and care. All Pet Express puppies are bred with the intentions of improving the quality of the breed and to provide loving families with the perfect puppy of their dreams.

You are in great hands (& paws) with us here at Pet Express!

Matching amazing families with loving and adorable pets since 1995.